Tips for a successful Father's Day

Fatherhood is an incredibly special journey for many men. Often it is a pivotal point in their lives where men step-up and choose to be responsible for a dependent little person that is relying on their love, care and security.

Father’s Day as a single parent can be difficult for some men and they are, at times, a little unsure about how to make the most of their special day. Today, many parenting orders today make an allowance for the respective parent on Father’s (and Mother’s) Day. It may be as much as the weekend or limited to a few hours if it falls outside of the usual designated time. Rachael Scharrer, divorce and relationships expert, coach and founder of Divorce Answered, says “whatever access you have with your child this Father’s Day, try to make it the most successful and memorable that you can.” Her tips to help make Father’s Day a success include:

IT’S NOT JUST ABOUT YOU. Father’s Day is equally about the father as it is for the child. Remember that helping your child to make your day special involves the child feeling special and important too

TURN UP AND BE PRESENT. Turning up is half the battle and choosing to be present (in the moment) with your child will make for a really special day

CONNECT WITH YOUR CHILD. Listen when your child speaks and converse about things that they like. It is equally important to take an interest in your child’s interests.

MARK THE OCCASION. Do your best to create a memorable day, rather than allowing Father’s Day to be another day running chores together. It might help in doing something that your child is interested in. Nowadays, we mark special occasions with a cake, perhaps you can make one together? Remember to also take a photograph!

HAVE FUN AND DO SOMETHING FUN. Go to the park, beach, water park, indoor play centre, have a special meal, enjoy a bike ride, go to the movies …. Be energetic and create an enjoyable, lively memory together

HELP YOUR YOUNG CHILD CREATE A CARD OR SOME CRAFT FOR YOU. Grab some colourful paper, scissors, glue, glitter, stickers and stamps, coloured pencils and anything else you can find so that your child can create a special card or piece of art for you. If your child can’t write yet, they can always make a special drawing for you or trace their hand as a memento of the day

HELP OLDER CHILDREN TO BUY YOU A GIFT OR DO SOMETHING SPECIAL. If your child hasn’t got a present or gift for you and they are old enough to manage money, it could be worth permitting them to go to into a shop and purchase a gift for you to a limited budget. While you are funding the gift, your child will be able to find joy in selecting something special for you

No matter what you choose to do this Father’s Day, the resounding consensus is to make the effort and make the most of time with your child. The memories and connection that you make today will last a lifetime with your child and will help them to become the wonderful adult that you will be proud of.

Happy Father’s Day 2018!


This is general advice only and is not provided as legal advice. If you have a legal issue, you should contact a lawyer and/or accountant before making a decision about what to do or applying to the Court. cannot provide legal advice. If you have an emergency situation, please contact Emergency '000'. © Divorce Pty Ltd