A special message for Single Mums on Mother's Day

Mamma, Happy Mother’s Day! In past years, I have shared articles about how you can make your Mother’s Day special with your children (listed at the bottom of this article). However, this year, I thought I would share some timely affirmations with you to remind you how wonderful you are, single mum on Mother’s Day.

Single parenting is great – there are so many benefits to parenting alone. However, the juggle becomes tiresome. In true Mummy form, you wipe away the tears before the children see you and hide any signs of financial strain. You put on your big-girl undies, pull up your socks and get on with life, while sporting a smile.

You are stronger than you think and braver than you realise – Single mums can take on the world! You have weathered nasty divorce storms, raging ex-husband hurricanes and battled the bad debt. All while making sure that your children had food in their tummy, a warm bed at night and felt incredibly loved.

You can do anything and you are everything – Your skills and capacity to do so much with your limited time is astounding. You unclog blocked toilets, change tap washers, hang pictures, catch cockroaches and create a safe space for your family. You make juggling home, work, family and friends look easy while single-handedly taking all of the responsibility. You are admirable and you are amazing!

You are perfect, just the way you are, right now – In your child’s eyes, you are a picture of perfection. The person that they turn to when they hurt their knee or have a bad dream. You are also the person that they want to share their awards, triumphs and firsts with. They don’t see what you see in yourself – you may have a big bum or not like your nose; you may not like the way you laugh, cry or shout. There are so many things that Mammas would change in themselves and our children don’t see us this way. They love you for the imperfect person that you are. Your stretch marks are a forever reminder of the little angels that you brought into the world.

You are important. You are valued. You are love – You, Mamma, are the whole world to your children. You are shaping the amazing adults that your children are becoming. Your influence is endless. Your impression is imprinted on their soul. You are your child’s joy! Their universe centres around you just as your universe centres around them – and for your lifetimes you will enjoy this dance together.

Your efforts today will be wholeheartedly appreciated in the many years to come - Your beautiful children may not thank you today for the sacrifices that you make for them. Just know that one day, your child will have their own child. They will have the gift of experiencing an unbreakable bond, fierce protectiveness and an all-consuming love … the same feelings that you have for them. It is when your child becomes a parent that they will truly appreciate and thank you for everything that you have done and for all that you are. For all of the lessons they have learned and for all of the amazing experiences you have given them. For teaching them resilience and persistence. For teaching them patience and determination.

You are your child’s role model, you are their ‘default’ mode and and their go-to person. When they are older, they will, with a full heart, thank you for everything! Stay awesome, brilliant Mamma! Have a wonderful Mother’s Day 2019.

Related articles:

  1. To my Mum going through separation
  2. My Single-Mother’s Day


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